Baby-Led at 9 Months

Art will be 9 months old on Thursday, who stole the last 3 months?

First taste of jelly

Tonight we had jelly for the first time! He managed it pretty well considering it was very squishy jelly (baby-friendly jelly recipe made with orange juice and gelatine). We also had vegetable casserole with dumplings for tea, first time he’s had dumplings and he really seemed to enjoy them.

Art now picks up food, takes a bite, chews and swallows, then takes another bite. He chooses the correct hand hold for the type of food, so pincer grip for peas (and boy does he love peas!), fistfuls for mash and fingers and thumb for things like toast. The picture on the right shows how he eats a lot of food, he picks it up, then pushes it from the inside of his fist up to the top, so that it pokes out, or pops into his mouth. His eating skills remind us of tribal people we’ve seen in documentaries, where they’re eating with hands, very skilled. Makes you wonder what extra skills we’re giving to our child that he wouldn’t necessarily gain.

He sips from a Doidy Cup by himself, so picks it up with both hands holding the handles, and brings it to his mouth, tipping it up enough to get water, and tipping again at each mouthful.However, once he’s drunk what he needs, he tends to bang it on the table, so we only tend to offer it rather than leave it for him to pick up and put down freely, but he’s getting better.

We continue to put his food on his tray, though it starts off life on a plate or bowl and then gets moved to the tray, so we do often give him the plate or bowl towards the end of a meal. If it’s something like porridge or soup then he has the bowl from the outset.

He continues to amaze us every day, and not a week goes by that we don’t wonder at why this isn’t the norm for introducing solid food to your baby. I really hope it gets into the mainstream more and more, sadly it’s down to health visitors and if our health visitor is anything to go by then that’s not hopeful. She didn’t even know what BLW was. This is the woman giving advice to parents on weaning/introducing solids. Great.

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